Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Devil's in the Details


I was in a real painting slump. It had been several months with no motivation. A few weeks back a friend asked me to paint up a couple of player characters for our DnD campaign. It took me a while to complete them. In the end it was a change in mindset. I took the approach that they didn't need to be perfect. I was painting for gaming not for show and that enabled me to complete both in a day after dragging my feet for a week. Like wise I grabbed this set out of the Reaper Bones 4 Core set with the goal of just painting and having fun. It was a good exercise on both occasions.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Oh Oh Oh It's Magic...

I started working on the wizards from the Bone 4 core set. I was originally running through the usual themes - brown, grey, red etc. but this colour scheme on a different figure really caught my eye and I thought it would work on this figure. I didn't realize he was supposed to be an evil wizard until I looked it up on line (sku 03847 by Bobby Jackson btw). But hey evil wizards can like bright colours too, right?

Here is one of the wizards from the Greybeards subset of the Bones 4 core set. I like this figure because even though the design is relatively simple, you get a real sense of character.

Here is another wizard from the Greybeards subset of the Bones 4 Core set. I love the character in these wizard figures. This one is strongly reminiscent of Gandalf. Though I resisted the temptation to go grey I did sneak Gandalf's rune onto the medallion on the back of his hat

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Am I Being Trolled?

This is the wonderful Cave Troll by Bobby Jackson from the Cave Dwellers subset of the Bones 4 core set. It is also available in metal sku# 03959. I was going to go with a traditional green troll but as I was searching for reference/inspiration, I came across some cave skink photos. I was really interested in their dark hides and pale pale underbellies which  I tried to emulate here. I took the opportunity to experiment with washes. I used practically every ink shade I had except blue.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

I'm a Real Wild Child...

Here is Arnise from the Female Fighters subset of the Bones 4 Core. It was sculpted by Werner Klocke and is also available in metal SKU# 14018. The idea of a green skinned wild forest elf was intriguing to me. I found many reference artworks on Pinterest. I've had the resin tree base for awhile, not knowing what to do with it but Arnise's lean was a perfect fit once I cut the base away.

Go Figure!

This is a bit of a catch-up post as I am behind on posting my recent work from the end of April.

Here is Ava Justina, Female Templar from the Bones 4 core set. She is in fact figure #1 in the set. She was sculpted by Bobby Jackson and is also available in metal SKU 03746. I drew inspiration from GW's Sisters of Battle and went for a clean black armor look. Unfortunately the casting is a little soft in some areas - especially around the legs where the plates and chainmail are not so well defined. I cut her off the cast-in base and put her on one I made with the Temple roller from Green Stuff World. There are fleur-de-lis in the pattern which I thought would be a neat call back to the Battle Sisters.

 Here is Zadim, Iconic Slayer from the Pathfinder Iconics stretch goal to the core set. He was sculpted by Bobby Jackson and is also available in metal sku 60179. I kept pretty well to the Wayne Reynolds artwork for the colour scheme.

 This meaty barbarian by Bobby Jackson is also available in metal sku 03869. I went with the typical barbarian scheme of leather and furs.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

We're Not Seeing Eyes to Eye

Here is the cyclops from the Bones 4 Cave Dwellers stretch goal. This a really nice figure and casting. I've been committed to working through by core set and I'm still only about 25% in. Man do you get a lot of figures in that KS!

Monday, April 27, 2020

No Layers Here!

This is a half-ogre fighter from the Reaper Bones 4 core set. I like his all business look - no subtlety here! The armor was achieved with VMC Natural Steel over a black base followed by a 50/50 wash of Nuln Oil/Drucci Violet. Then dry-brushed with Lead Belcher and end edge highlighted with VMC Silver. Individual plates were lined with black and final targeted wash of Agrax Earthshade was places towards the bottoms of the larger plates.