Monday, November 12, 2018

Let's Make Historex

Many years ago I discovered Historex figures. These are wonderful plastic kits of Napoleonic (mostly) figures. Each kit comes with a staggering amount of fiddly little parts with every details possible. By combining kits, you can recreate virtually any uniform worn by any combatant from that era. Of course when you are starting out with something new, why buy one when many will do? Alas my modelling and painting skills were not up for the challenge at the time and for decades they sat in my collection in their special box...someday, someday...Well I guess some day arrived and I decided to dust off the old boys. This figure represents a drummer of the 2nd Regiment (Dutch) of the Old Guard Grenadiers. I'm pretty happy with the way he turned out, though I definitely learned some lessons during the construction and painting phases - for example it is a good idea to leave the pack off next time until the paining is complete. It was a bugger the get at the straps and the queue. I will definitely be putting a few more of these kits.