Thursday, January 26, 2017

2 for 2

Another bench warmer completed! This is Verlinden's Dutch Lancer bust which I started some time last year -- got as far as the face and base colours. Now he sits proudly on my shelf.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Just Do It

This year I resolved to get things done. I am committing to finish all the projects I started and here is the first. The figure is a Drummer of the Russian Line Artillery c. 1812 by Durendal. I had this one in the grey army for awhile and last year I pulled it out and started with the face and some base colours. Then stopped. I figured out why which led me to the "resolution". I enjoy looking at the work of other painters/modellers but I found that 1. I was spending more time looking and less time doing and 2. I was getting distracted by perfection. By that I mean I was spending too much time on research, too much time thinking about potential conversions or improvements or planning elaborate bases or shopping for new figures. In the end I got away from the reason I like painting miniatures -- I like painting miniatures! Its fun and I enjoy it. So this year I said to myself "Just do it! I'm not going to win awards or be asked to do the cover art for the latest figure or anything so stop fretting and get painting!" So this year I am going to 1. finish the projects I started and put aside (at least 5 that I can think of off the top of my head) and 2. not buy anything new until I have finished what I have. That brings us to the fellow here. I could have done a better job on clean up but he is finished and I enjoyed working on him and now he has taken his rightful place on my shelf.

Monday, January 9, 2017


I updated the links section and removed several dead links.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Mini Break

I've been working with 28mm fantasy miniatures lately. This one is by Reaper Miniatures from their Pathfinder range.