Saturday, February 29, 2020

Cops and Robbers

Again from the Bones 4 Core set, here are more "townsfolk" -- Bandits and the City Guard. I continued to used the same limited palette as with the previous townsfolk.

First the good guys:

Then the bad guys:

Saturday, February 8, 2020

A Town Called Malice 2

Here is my continuation of the Townsfolk subset from the Reaper Bones 4 Kickstarter Core Set. I did the cooper instead of the rolling pin woman because I wanted to take some time with the torch. Anyway, the same pallet applies here. For the most part I continued developing texturing techniques.

For the Sage, I wanted to give the impression of somewhat fancier clothes. After shading and highlighting, I brightened the cloak and frock with GW inks (Biel-Tan Greeen and Carroburg Crimson respectively). This give the colours a richer feel.

Two things I tried differently on the cooper were 1. no under-painting and 2. letting go. I usually apply an coat of German Camouflage Black-Brown over the whole figure to start when working with Bones. I know it has been shown many times that Bones are designed to go from blister to paint but I wanted to check it out for myself. I just went straight to the base colours, shading and highlighting with no issues.

 The second was more difficult. This was me telling myself to trust myself and the figure and not overwork the paint. I had to remind myself to pull back when I started thinking, "maybe I should add another blend or work that edge some more..." At first it was a little uncomfortable but after awhile everything sort of fell into place and I am happy with the results