Friday, June 15, 2018

Scourge of the Seven Seas

I saw these figures on Pinterest and was quite intrigued by them. The images were of the playing pieces for a game called Rum and Bones which has a core set and several expansion sets. The figures looked gorgeous thanks to the amazing painters at Big Child Creatives and I really like the whimsical style of the sculpts. I picked up a heroes box for the "La Brise Sanguine" expansion which are "French inspired" pirates. A heroes box contains 3 figures made from different colored plastic. I chose the character "Mademoiselle Defarge" from the set. The quality of the figures shown on their Kickstarter page seem to be of higher quality and I've seen on some online commentaries that they may be resin prototypes. On initial inspection the detail appears soft. The plastic itself is softer than DML/Dragon or Tamiya figures but harder than Reaper Bones. However, I found that clean up was similar to Bones in that sanding or scraping was not very effective and seam lines were best removed with a sharp blade and a steady hand. I also recommend you wash and rinse the figures before painting. Unlike Bones, I did prime the figure first and had no issue with its application. I really enjoyed painting this figure and found that looking at the figure out of the box was deceptive. The details really stand out when painting and I was really happy with how she turned out. I'm looking forward to painting the other two characters from the box.

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