Thursday, March 12, 2009

1/10 Le Cimier Polish Lancer, finished

Here is Polish Lancer bust finished.

The scarlet part of the czapska was finished in the same way as the turnbacks but with fewer highlights and shadows. The brass part of the plate was first base coated Graveyard Earth followed by Brazen Brass and finally Burnished Gold. The plume was based with Skull White then washed with a mix of Kommando Khaki and Bleached Bone then highlighted with progressively lighter shades of Bleached Bone + Skull White unitl finally pure white. The white cords and ornaments were based with Fortess Grey a tiny bit of Chaos Black was added for deep shadows and highlights were done by adding Skull White until finally just pure white.

The chin strap was a little fussy to get on. While bending it to the right shape I ended up breaking it in two but a little super glue got it back together and as long as no one looks to close it turned out ok.

Here's a recap of the colours I used with some Vallejo Model Colour approximate equivalents.

The face:
Snakebite Leather = 912 Tan Yellow
Elf Flesh = 815 Basic Skintone
Terracotta (Dark Flesh) = 940 Saddle Brown
Chaos Black = 950 Black

Mechite Red (Foundation) = ?
Imperial Purple (Warlock Purple) = 945 Magenta
Blood Red = 910 Orange Red
Skull White = 951 Flat White
Scab Red = 926 Red
Chaos Black = 950 Black

Nightworld Blue (Midnight Blue) = 930 Dark Blue
Ultramarines Blue = 839 Ultramarine
Electric Blue (Ice Blue) = 844 Deep Sky Blue
Chaos Black = 950 Black

Graveyard Earth = ?
Brazen Brass = 801 Brass
Burnished Gold = 996 Gold
Chaimail = 864 Natural Steel
Mithiril Silver = 997 Silver
Chaos Black = 950 Black

Fortess Grey = 990 Light Grey
Skull White = 951 Flat White
Chaos Black = 950 Black


1 comment:

steve readdie said...

Hi Gary its Steve Readdie here mate ,just to let you know i have popped in to have a look around and you have a very nice blog going on here mate,i didnt know you were an all round modeller and not just figures.
i like what you have done with the Polish lancer Bust mate,very nice job.

take care mate
